Legal and Social Guidance for Mental Health at Fundación Manantial

At Fundación Manantial, we recognise the crucial need to provide specialised legal and social counselling for people with mental health issues and their families. This service is designed to provide information and guidance to foster informed and autonomous decision-making in complex legal and social matters.

Our Mission in Guidance and Counselling

Specialised Legal and Social Counsel

We focus on offering free counselling on social and legal matters related to the judicial and penal systems. Our experts work to make the legal system more approachable and less overwhelming, clarifying doubts and concerns and ensuring that people understand their rights and options.

Empowerment through Information

Our team is composed of highly trained professionals to extend guidance and support in the legal and social process. We provide detailed information on rights, responsibilities and options available to people so as to empower them to make informed decisions and act in their own interests.

Personalised Attention in the Penal System

As regards the penal system, our free counselling focuses on seeking alternatives to incarceration and ensuring access to adequate support for the fulfilment of any sentence, taking into account each individual’s unique circumstances.

Expanding the Scope of Our Services

We are committed to educating and raising awareness about mental health and legal rights. Through training and outreach programmes, we seek to educate the general community as well as professionals in the field.

Educational Programmes and Workshops

We organise educational workshops and seminars addressing various topics from legal rights to the management of specific situations linked to mental health. These programmes are open to all those who are interested, including families and industry professionals.

Collaboration with Experts

We have an ongoing collaboration with experts in law, mental health and social work. This allows us to offer a broader perspective and integrated solutions, ensuring the most relevant and effective counsel.

Active Participation and Dialogue

We encourage possibility for dialogue and participation so that people with mental health disorders and their families can express their needs and experiences. This helps us adapt our services and develop more optimal solutions.

Our Commitment to Dignity and Respect

At Fundación Manantial, we firmly believe that every person has the right to live with dignity and respect. Our legal and social guidance service is a reflection of this commitment. We strive to ensure that everyone has access to the information and resources needed to live fully and meaningfully.

Ongoing and Adaptable Counselling

We offer personalised and continuous guidance, adapting to the changing needs of our clients. This approach ensures that our support is more relevant and effective over time.

Comprehensive Approach to Care

As part of a comprehensive approach to mental health care, we work closely with the other teams of Fundación Manantial, offering comprehensive care that covers all aspects of people’s lives.

To learn more about our legal and social counselling services for mental health, please get in touch with us. We are here to support you at every stage with guidance and resources that will truly make a difference in your lives.

Contact us for more information or to access our services.